Former CA utilities commissioner exposes “regulatory capture” of agency Explosive ABC10 exclusive report slams CPUC for crippling state’s rooftop solar industry amidst climate crisis

Posted by - June 21, 2024

A powerful segment by newscaster Alex Bell for ABC10 Sacramento on June 18 exposed the climate solution-crippling influence that the state’s largest utilities have over the California Public Utilities Commission. In an interview with ABC10, Loretta Lynch, President of the CPUC from 2000 to 2002, blew the whistle on undue influence that the state’s muliti-billion

Utilities Escalate Secret War on California Solar State Public Utilities Commission captured by utilities, consistently follows their guidance in making decisions

Posted by - November 8, 2023

Throughout the past several years, as California has pushed for more renewable energy development, utility companies have, at the same time fought against those efforts, sometimes even illegally using ratepayer funds to lobby against climate solutions.  This petition calls on the CPUC to vote against a dangerous decision that will block solar for properties with

Utilities Trying to Kill Small Solar Farms New proposed submetering decision by CPUC on behalf of utility giants would gut solar incentives for property owners

Posted by - September 15, 2023

The Solar Rights Alliance is sounding the alarm bells that a new  proposed decision by the powerful California Public Utilities Commission will hurt farmers and property owners by making it nearly impossible for them to recover the cost of larger solar systems that they directly sub-meter to sub-tenants. Dave Rosenfeld, the executive director Solar Rights Alliance, said the

Why the REAL Solar Family Farm Bill Could Be the Most Impactful Climate Solution Ever! If passed, the Renewable Energy Acceleration Law of 2024 ballot initiative would enable farms to sell power "over the fence" to neighboring properties

Posted by - August 16, 2023

The Renewable Energy Acceleration Law of 2024 (REAL) would be the most impactful climate mitigation ballot initiative in history. It would address the threat of unprecedented climate catastrophe by enabling transformative change now. The ballot initiative ( would double the deployment of new solar electricity generation every year for the next 20 years, helping California reach its mandated 2045 goal to decarbonize electricity and transportation, at no cost to the state government.

PG&E Bends to Grassroots Pressure Campaign to Bury Fire-Causing Power Lines Instead of plan to replace 50 miles a year, utility commits to burying 10,000 miles of overhead lines

Posted by - July 26, 2021

PG&E’s sudden July 21 announcement to initiate what it called a Marshall Plan level effort to spend more than $15 billion to bury 1,000 miles of fire-causing overhead power lines a year for ten years marked a stark reversal of the utility giant’s argument that such an effort would be impossibly expensive.  Potential liability for