Bombshell: Clarence Thomas Hospital Infection Diagnosed as Insurrectionitis Supreme Court Justice reportedly caught debilitating disease from super-spreader wife Ginny

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Washington, April 19, 2022. A report leaked from the ultra-secret Supreme Court Ethical Oversight Inspector General’s office revealed that the mysterious infection which hospitalized Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas last month was highly contagious insurrectionitis.

Thomas reportedly caught the fast-spreading OmniCoup variance of insurrectionitis from his wife Ginny, who has been known to be a super-spreader of the disease since Donald Trump’s first controversial, Putin-aided election in November 2016.

For years, Justice Thomas has displayed mild symptoms of the disease, which replaces critical thinking with hatred of all U.S. Government policies helping those who are not wealthy, as well as opposition to women’s control over their own bodies and any constitutional amendment or congressional law protecting the rights of Black people to vote.

Viewers of Fox News, Newsmax, Sinclair Broadcasting and OAN, whose ability to think rationally is already eroded by fascist propaganda, are known to be the most susceptible to insurrectionitis. Education typically offers protection against the disease, with the exception of elected Republican officials Ted Cruz, Tom Cotton and Josh Hawley.

On January, Thomas’ lone dissent in an otherwise unanimous 8 to 1 Supreme Court decision that rejected a legal attempt, by uncharged domestic terrorist Donald Trump, to block the release of White House records related to his January 6 coup, indicated a worsening of the Justice’s insurrectionist infection. These records include numerous texts from Jan 6 riot organizer Ginny Thomas to White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, including one right after election day that said, “Do not concede. It takes time for the army who is gathering for his back.”

According to the report, Justice Thomas’ topical treatment for insurrectionitis, in the form of oligarch bribes applied through his wife, failed to prevent him from choking on his own words and on March 18, he needed was admitted to Sibley Memorial Hospital for additional treatment.

The 73-year old judge spent one week in the hospital, where his infection was treated with antibiotics, a short-term cure that allows him to continue making  hypocritical decisions that defy the U.S. Constitution without choking.

The only known long term cure for insurrectionitis is accountability and the application of federal statutes forbidding sedition conspiracy, election interference, forged election documents, obstruction of justice or incitement to violence.

Insurrectionitis has been spreading unchecked in Washington D.C. due to the unwillingness of Attorney General Merrick Garland to hold a single Republican leader accountable for organizing the most dangerous insurrection since the Civil War.

Experts warn that unless President Biden replaces his timid attorney general soon,  insurrectionitis will to continue to spread, culminating in a 2024 decertification coup, which Republican legislatures in numerous states have laid the groundwork for by passing new laws disenfranchising election results when their presidential candidate fails to win.

This 2024 decertification coup, legal experts explain, will be validated by Justice Thomas, as well as an undisclosed number of other infected insurrectionists recently named to the Supreme Court for this very purpose.



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Jonathan Greenberg

Jonathan Greenberg is the editor and publisher of the award winning Sonoma Independent, which he founded in 2015 to serve the public interest with insight, solutions and advocacy.

In January, 2024, Jonathan launched the Project to create and market compelling YouTube ads, as well as the Progressive Source PAC to fund them. The effort’s first project was the Dems Vote Haley in SC video, which was viewed 400,000 times in blue counties, contributing to Haley outperforming polls by 10 points.

Jonathan has been an investigative legal and financial journalist with 40 years of experience contributing to national publications. During the past six years, Jonathan wrote four of the most widely-read exposes in the Washington Post about Donald Trump. Jonathan has known Trump longer than any journalist writing today. He was head of research for the first Forbes 400 when Trump conned him into putting him on the list. The notorious phone calls Trump taped pretending to be John Barron was the subject of monologues on Colbert, the Daily Show and Seth Meyers. Jonathan has appeared live on more than a dozen major news shows, including on CNN with Erin Burnett, Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo, on MSNBC with Ari Berber and Ali Velshi, and NPR's On the Media.

Jonathan was a Web 1.0 pioneer. In 1996 he started Gist Communications, a disruptive new media company that competed successfully with News Corp’s TV Guide Online. In 1997, Gist was one of just 14 websites in the world to be named a winner of the First Annual Webby Awards in San Francisco. Following Gist and the 9-11 attacks on the World Trade Center, Jonathan served, in 2002 and 2003, as Policy Director for the New York City Council’s Select Committee on Lower Manhattan Redevelopment, where he directed media and public policy campaigns and was the city council’s lead analyst for federal relief programs.

In 2007, Jonathan founded Progressive Source Communications, a public interest digital advocacy company that has created scores of impactful videos and campaigns to build awareness of solutions that serve the common good. Progressive Source owns the Sonoma Independent.

Jonathan is a graduate of Yale Law School's Masters Degree in Law fellowship program. A fuller bio and links to Jonathan's work can be found at

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